taken aback : to be surprised or shocked by sth

underdog : one that lose a contest or a fight

sidekick : friends; people you hang out with

to kick off : begin sth

hunky-dory; okey-dokey : things are fine and
people are happy

to shoot yourself in the foot :
to do or say something foolish but
in the process you hurt yourself

full blast : something is at its highest setting;
for instance, turn the volume as
loud as possible

to fiddle around with : busy with something with
no special purpose; to
make small changes to sth
but produce no result

to root for : to support or cheer

to zap, to nuke : to put sth in the microwave
and cook it

heck, darn (euphemisms) : these are used to replace
some stronger meanings

double whammy : a bad luck situation where two
bad things happen at the same time

to keep s.o. on a tight leash (or a short leash) :
to have a lot of control over someone's behavior,
often used in newlyweds

to strike out on one’s own : to start a new business;
to start an independent life






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