


 然後我很愚蠢的先看了Before Sunset…

 其實Before sunrise才是相遇的起點啊啊啊啊啊啊~~~~~



 本來要睡覺了還是硬把Before Sunrise放來看,





跟The Notebook類型不太一樣,沒有那麼感人,




遵守那些rational, adult decision。


Celine問Jesse What’s a problem for you?
Jesse很快的說 You,probably!


(Jesse was trying to convince Celine to get off the train with him.)
So think of this as time travel from then to now to find out what you’re missing out on.

Have you ever heard that as couples get older, they lose their ability to hear each other?
Supposedly, men lose the ability to hear higher-pitched sounds, and women eventually lose
hearing in the low end. I guess they sort of nullify each other, or something.

Humans are always transitory.

You know that my life is just her memories or something.

This line is when Celine talking to Jesse that why she’s close with her grandma.

The following is a poem which wrote by a young man.

When they had a walk on riverbank, meeting the man who asked them to give him a word so that
he would write a poem for them.
If they liked it, and they felt it added something to their life in any way, then they can pay
him whatever they felt like.
As a result, Celine said “Milkshake.”

Daydream delusion
Limousine eyelash
Oh baby, with your pretty face
Drop a tear in my wineglass
Look at those big eyes
See what you mean to be
Sweet cakes and milkshakes
I’m a delusion angel
I’m a fantasy parade
I want you to know what I think
Don’t want you to guess anymore
You have no idea where I came from
You have no idea where we’re going
Lodged in life, like branches in the river
Flowing downstream caught in the current
I carry you, you’ll carry me
That’s how it could be
Don’t you know me
Don’t you know me by now

I kind of see love as this escape for two people who don’t know how to be alone.

His life is for no one or nothing.
(Celine talked about an old man she worked for.)


Memory is a wonderful thing if you don’t have to deal with the past.

Every day is our last day.

People just have an affair or even entire relationships.
They break up and they forget.
They move on like they would have changed brand of cereals.

What is lost is lost.

Past is past.

Even being alone, it’s better than sitting next to a lover and feeling lonely.

There’s gotta be more love than commitment.

好多英文@@ 頭有點暈,



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