will you know that i do cry when i am sorrowful?

probably you might not see my tears coz you're not by my side.

you didn't see that when i hung up the phone, i was shivering...

it's the first time i realize what heartbroken is.

i didn't keep crying. i have no time to cry for my sorrow.

to be more specific, i don't want to cry ALONE AGAIN and again.

i walked to bus stop without smiling. i was lookin forward to your call so much.

but, it's nothing more than hell. i feel desperated.

you'll never see my tears i think.

you'll never know i've cried for you three times.

i hope it will be the last time. no more tears!

you chose not to break her heart instead of breaking my heart.

it makes me understand, to you, how important she is and how silly i am.

i as if see Lady Helen, Eros and Amulet. their story becomes reality.

unfortunately, i am amulet.

it seems that i can see Lady Helen mock at me.

you stay for her so easily.

how could it be?

i really wish i do not care about you that much.


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