Answer the following questions in well-organized paragraphs.

1. What is the difference between a fable or a short story?
Use "The Appointment in Samarra" and "A&P" as examples in your discussion.

2. Discuss the points of view in "A Rose for Emily," "The Tell-tale Heart," and
"Sonny's Blues." How does the point oview contribute to the effectiveness of
each of the stories?

3. Discuss the characters in "Cathedral." Are the narrator, his wife and the blind
guest flat or round characters? Please give your reasons.

4. Identify the following passages and discuss their significance.

a) They were not about anything very new. He and his boys up there were
keeping it new, at the risk of ruin, destruction, madness, and death,
in order to find new ways to make us listen. For, while the tale of how we
suffer, and how we are delighted, and how we may triumph is never new,
it always must be heard. There isn't any oyher tale to tell, it's the only
light we've got in all this darkness.

b) But, ere long, I felt myself getting pale and wished them gone. My head
ached, and I fancied a ringing in my ears: but still they sat and still
chatted. The ringing became more distinct─it continued and became more
distinct. I talked more freely to get rid of the feeling: but it continued
and gained definitiveness─until, at lenth, I found that noise within my ears.


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